If people could do it

clouds do not so much divide the world as unite it

If people could do it then they would share out the clouds among countries.
The clouds would be kept in countries because of their borders.
They could fly inside small spaces of high blue sky only
Because people would always wish to have them as a property.

If people could do it then they would share out the rains among countries.
So rains would not have a chance to be so free.
The war could arise if some country took foreign rain.
The birds would be turned into prisoners within the borders of countries.

If people could do it then they would divide the sun into small pieces.
Who can know the future ideas of the earth’s strange citizens?
But clouds and rains and the yellow sun are free from the borders.
And a small funny bird is free in the high huge blue sky.

The small bird flies to my balcony and sings sunny song of a far foreign country.