The strange letter


I write the letter to former me.
I remember I had many hopes.
I write about the feeling of truth.
I wait for the answer to this letter.
It cannot be.
I would like to receive just a few words.
However, the words should be for me.
I hope to understand present me thanks to the words.
It cannot be.
I remember that I had the hope.
It was with me.
My feelings died with the breath of time.
It happened with me.
I do not hope to be the same person.
I want to be.
I have not wish to begin my way again.
I would like to receive only one hope for my future days.
I must be.
Maybe the hope could give the birth to my former feelings.
I remember that I was another woman.
I would like to receive the answer to the letter.
I will not have the answer.
The former me do not know present me.