The town of crazy people
"I would like to tell people only the truth," a little boy told his mother.
"I do not like the lie."

"It is a good decision," the mother answered him.
"However, you should remember that you might have to live in a special unique town of the world known as "The town of crazy people". I do not believe the words that say they are really crazy people. I think people of other towns imagine them as a crazy people. We can go to that town. Then it will be easy for you to make a final decision, my dear boy."

The next day they woke up early in the morning. The mother put on her best clothes. She gave her hand to her son and they went along the bank of the river to the town of honest people. It was a long way. It took them several days before the town could be seen in the distance. The mother and the son came to the gate which was the only entrance to the town.
"No entry."
Those words were written on the old gate.
The boy was perplexed. "How could I go into the town if such words are written on the gate?" he asked his mother.
The mother did not know what she could answer, "I suppose we should wait here until somebody comes to the gate. Maybe this person will ask us about the goal of our visit." They sat down on the grass and began to wait for someone from the town. About an hour later a tall man opened the gate.
"Oh! I am sorry. I did not know you had been waiting for me so long!" The man told them.
"What can I do for you, my dear travellers?" He asked them with kind smile.
"My son wants to live among honest people. He dreams to be among people who never tell a lie to each other," the mother answered the man.
The man became very serious. "Poor boy … or… Happy boy… I do not know. He is late. The town has kept the same title "The town of crazy people". The same people live in the town except one person who left the town many years ago. But it is not the town of honest people any more. We lost the honesty. Do you know how difficult it is to tell the truth to each other? One example only… My friend asked my opinion about the woman who was the most beautiful woman for him. He loved her. What should I tell him? The truth… In my opinion the truth lived in the words that she was a stupid woman. Yes. She was really pretty but I had no high opinion about her mind. Of course I did not tell him the truth. They married. Now they are a happy family. Was my truth reality? I do not know. I could lose the right to live in this town if I told somebody that I had told that lie to my friend. Therefore I did not tell anybody about it.
For many years the people of the "crazy town" had been proud to be honest persons. They did not think about low opinion of people who lived in other towns. "Crazy town of crazy people"… The people of our town were expressing their own point of view and all the thoughts that they had.
Do you know that a lie can change the way of your life? It is really so. A lie is a strange thing. It can change a soul. It is like some weed which grows among your thoughts which are the flowers of your soul. I think it is not perfectly clear why a lie gives such a bad result to a person's soul.
Therefore I will stop telling you about it because our talk would be too long. I think this young boy might get tired with it. I should finish the sad story of my town too. The people began to realize that many persons did not express their real thoughts. The lie came in the town by people's talks. The situations were often similar to the one I described you before. People did not want to offend each other. Also they needed to have various supports by some persons who did not want to listen to the truth. Those persons could help them to become richer or something else.
One strong person left the town at the beginning of that process. He was one of my friends. I asked him to take me with him.
But he told me that he would live in a little home which was built in a lone place, "The only nature can not lie. Loneliness is a simple way to understand the language of nature. I want to listen to the talks of white clouds. I want to listen to the songs of small birds. I want to fly by the night sky. I hope my dreams will be the world of truth for me. But I need to be alone. Otherwise I will not hear much important truth."
There were the words of my friend.
He had written the words "No entry" on the gate of the town before he left the town.
He did not believe in the light future of the town. The people of the town knew about the words on the gate. Therefore they did not expect any new persons in the town. I was really surprised that you, my beautiful guests, waited for me before the gate."

The man smiled to the mother and her son. The boy became very sad. The man noticed it. He tried to comfort the young boy, "It is very hard to live among honest people. You are young. Therefore you have much truth in your mind. You will be changed with time. Dear boy, the truth can be dangerous for your favourite people.
Sometimes you'd better not tell the truth if you want to save your spiritual world. Opened spiritual worlds are like the field where all persons can take flowers but it is not good for you."
"Please, answer me. Do you want to come into the town after my words to you? "
The man asked the boy.
"Oh! No. I don't," the boy answered.
The man looked at the boy with deep attention. Then he told him with a sad wise smile, "You see… You told me the lie. I know it because I heard many different lies in my life."
The boy was confused.
The man continued, "So… Now you may understand all my words more deeply. You did not want to offend me with your honest answer. You wanted to show your respect to me. The lie is flying above our heads with your answer now. It was really the unique town of crazy people because only crazy people can always tell the truth to each other. Now they are ordinary people. I am an ordinary normal man too. I have lost something important in my life. Unfortunately I did not realize deeply what it was for me.
You are wonderful boy. I am sure you will have long interesting life.
And… I hope my friend who had left the town has not lost a feeling of the truth which is very important for the world."