The similar feelings
"Who promised happiness to me? I do not remember. Maybe my parents…When I came into this world my parents loved me. They took me in their hands and their eyes were full of happiness. I hoped that it would be forever. However, they became very strict with me when I grew up. It was such a sad feeling that I began to lose my assurance. I did not understand why they had so many pretensions for me. I needed their love. Sometimes they were like children. And I had the feeling that I was older than they were in spite of my age." These were the first phrases of a letter that a woman was writing to herself.
"I met a man who promised love to me. I needed this feeling. His love brought back my assurance to me again. I became a beautiful woman with his warm feeling. But he lost the feeling of love for me with time. The man was telling me that he loved me but I was inside a feeling of loneliness."
A tear ran down the woman's cheek. "I lost my assurance again. My children offered true light love to me at the time of their childhood. Now they have become adults. They often forget about me."
The woman stopped writing the letter. She looked through the window. It was a bright summer day. A warm wind was playing with the green leaves of the old tree that was standing in front of the window.
The woman smiled, "it was a short life. It was a long life. I understood myself because I know the feeling of loneliness. It is sad to be so calm as I am now. Love gives happiness. My husband and my children… But I was often alone. They took their love from me from time to time for different reasons. It was a pain. But it explained me the feeling of full loneliness and this will help me when I go on my last way into the space of death."
The woman smiled sadly again and continued the letter, "it is strange but I hope that my friend who left this world many years ago will meet me in that space. He wrote me while he was alive that he loved me. So, I hope to get the help of love again. My naive soul can't accept full loneliness. Although my mind has understood this feeling."
The woman put down the pen and went into the garden. The summer day was like a wonderful warm river that took her body inside a fresh air of beautiful smells. The big green tree rustled something very important to her with its leaves. The sky looked at her tenderly with its small white clouds. The woman was inside the rare feeling of eternity that is so close to the feeling of full loneliness.