Two cities

A strange rain brought strong emotions to the people of the city.

They did not know any emotions because it was a city of apathetic people. Yes. They lived in big buildings which touched the sky. People had children and formed families. Families were their usual way of being people. But they had no emotions. In the morning they would say “Good morning, dear” and smile to each other. But it was not a smile of the heart. It was the moving of their lips only. Their eyes stayed without that special light which should appear in eyes when people have emotions for each other. However, it was a city where war could not be either because bad emotions were unknown to the hearts of those people.

A strange rain brought strong emotions to people of the city.

He came to the city from another far city which was standing on high hills. That city was wrapped with transparent haze. The citizens were like ghosts who were walking along the roads of the city. It was the city of constant rains. However, the rains were not heavy. They were like a soft constant music falling from the sky.

“Sometimes, we have the feeling that the sky is so close that we can take the clouds in our hands,” people were telling each other.

The city was full of deep emotions in spite of the haze. The citizens liked poetry, the sad music of constant rains and laugh. The laugh was like a little bell. It was interesting to listen to those many little bells rung by the people in the transparent haze.

Nevertheless people began to notice the opaque shape of something which began to fly in the city from time to time.

“What is it,” they asked each other, “It comes from the far city which is an unknown city for us.”

They did not like that opaque shape of something because it was destroying the transparent haze of their city. It was worse every day. Then people decided to send one man to the city of big buildings. In the early morning the man went down from the hill. He was in the city of big building in a few days.

“It is a cold city. It is the city of people who perhaps died many years ago,” the man thought, “Many people who were the guests of my city were surprised by us. Now I am surprised with the people of this indifferent city. I understand why that opaque shape of something came to our hills from this city.”

The man was walking along the clear streets of the city where indifferent people lived in the buildings. Children were playing with their children's games without any true emotions. Their parents were talking with each other with indifferent smiles.

“They have not any emotions for anything!” The man thought. “But the emptiness does not exist in this space of the world. So, something strange is created in the space above the city with this indifference of people. As I can see it is this opaque shape of something. It flied to us through the air. It is a bad sign for us too.”

The man came back to the city on the hills. He told all the people about the strange city of indifferent people. People were very sad about it. They could have deep feeling of sadness too. The soft music the rain knitted a beautiful music of its drops in their sadness. The poets began to take new poems from the space of the transparent haze. The musicians put down new sad notes of harmony on the sheets. Many emotions gave birth to new wonderful artworks. However, people had kindness. Yes, they can feel much different emotions. Sometimes they could be angry at each other because they were people of the city of the hills. At that time people were full of the soft music of rains. They decided to help the people of the big buildings to know what feelings are. Therefore they asked the rain to put different emotions on the wings of the clouds and to fly to that far city of indifferent people.

The strange rain brought strong emotions to the people of the city.

People had wet clothes by that rain. But they did not realize at once that their souls were wet by the different emotions from that strange rain. Some people felt sadness. Many people were angry with the drops of unexpected rain. Many people felt happiness because they heard the poesy in the music of the rain.

“Good work,” the rain told itself, “It is a new city of people of strong emotions. It is not possible to change. I will return to the high hills. I know that often emotions bring pain to people but it is life. The city should not be like a city of dead people. Emotions are the steps of the time. They make up people's spirit”.

Nobody knows if the people of that city were grateful for that strange gift of the people from the hills but the city became a colored city of true deep emotions. Often the sun painted the sky with different colors because it was easy to take those colors from the emotional world of the city.