The song
    Tom was going along the street. He was very tired and sad. He could not understand what he should do that his mood could be improved. Tom looked at the big empty sky. The answer did not exist in the sky either. His wonderful woman who was the unique woman for him was lost for him. She had told him that she did not love him any more. He had not any job. He had no true friends. Therefore Tom had not a chance to tell anybody about his mood.
It was a grey evening. People thought about different problems. Tom was in the transparent cage of his problems too. People were going along the street with the burden of their spiritual cages.
Tom went to the bank of the river. The autumn water of the river was cold. The black color of the water could not bring any consolation for him. The river was thinking about the dirt. A big factory had dumped the dirt in the river several days before. The river was feeling that the fish that were the children of the river were very ill because of that dirt.
"They can die," the river thought. "I will be alone. Is my life necessary for me if I am alone? No. The sky loves me. It loves to have a look at me as a mirror. I often feel the reflection of the sky into my water. However, I cannot be an empty mirror for the sky only. I need my funny children which are the different fish."
The river had its own cage of the serious problems. The river did not see Tom's face when he had a look at its water.
Therefore he did not receive the consolation by the beautiful strong river either. The birds were sleeping at that moment. The night came into the city.  There were black sky, black water of the river and black colour of all things. Tom cried. He was so lonely under the sky in the black night. It was a huge grief of loneliness in a city that was full of many people. Darkness became the mistress of Tom's feelings. The cage and darkness. It was too much for him.
Darkness came in his feelings, "Please, give yourself to me. I will bring calm to you. I know how wonderful the feeling of nothing is. It is the darkness. It is me. I will relieve your pain. I will help you Tom."
Tom had no chance to resist darkness although he did not hear those words. But he was inside that space of darkness.
Tom went to the river again.
He put his hands inside the cold water, "Probably it will be a wonderful feeling of calm if my body could be taken by this cold river. I will forget all my problems. I will be free."
The river did not know about Tom's thoughts. The river was sleeping at that time.
He entered the cold water. He was ready to become a piece of the water. Tom was sure that it was the unique solution of his problems. Suddenly he heard a beautiful song. The song flew to him from the opened window of one of the flats in a building. It dissolved the darkness that was around Tom. It was a very tender song of the days of his childhood. It was the song of his mother. Often she sang this song when he was a little boy. He asked his mother to sing this song when he was going to sleep because of Tom had wonderful night dreams with it.

What makes our fates? Who told people that tenderness is not a strong feeling?

Tom returned on the bank of the river.
He was crying, "My mother died many years ago but I am sure that my mother is not far from me now. She loves me. I must be strong. I must live because darkness will always be the mistress of my space if I die now. And I know that will not meet my mother in the space of darkness."
He opened the cage of his problems for the light. Tom was free.

Tom met a beautiful woman in two years. They married. They had two children - a boy and a girl. The daughter was called by the name of Tom's mother.